Friday, September 14, 2012

Motor Club Of America - They key to making thousands with MCA

How to successfully promote and sell Motor Club of America and stop the paycheck to pay check mentality. 

   In this post I would like to talk about the few keys one must know in order to be successful at promoting and making money with the Motor Club of America and TVC Matrix. If you are on this page I am going to assume you've already done your due diligence in research MCA and have, or are looking to Join. The first and thing to do is to join MCA under a successful sponsor. There unfortunately are some sponsors that will sell you on the Idea of making vast fortunes with MCA and they may not even know what it takes to be successful at it themselves. By finding a sponsor (such as myself) who knows about marketing online, you will increase your chances of starting off with sales sooner than later.

mca pay, earnings, payment plan

Next thing that you will come across is "How do I promote MCA?" There are literally thousands of ways to promote your link. The key to promoting successfully is to put the link in front of as many people as possible!!! Even with a crappy ad and unconvincing video you will get some sales. Obviously the better quality ads you have the better the response will be and the sales will come rolling in.

  Some people will tell you ...Oh article marketing sucks!!! Others will swear to their grave its the best way to promote. some will say one way works and others will say dont waste your time. I say if i can get one sale from it it worth the time to do. Try to think of it this way.... If this blog post takes me 1 hour to write and I post it. And over the course of a week 200 people read it and one person joins my team from this Post. Then I just made $80 an hour. And the great thing is I wont have to keep re-posting it. This post will always be in internet land making me money for the hour it takes me to write it and always providing value to you the reader.

 So promotion is key. Even if you spend all day face-booking your link and you get a sale a day the you would have made an average of $8 an hour. So promoting is key. There are some ways to spend your time more effectively to help you bring in More money on your MCA check but the bottom line is the more people that see your link and ad the more sales you will get. Soon you wont be living pay check to pay check.
Now that you have the two most important things outta the way, 1 joining a good sponsor who will help you, and 2 promoting like crazy, the next thing to remember is, This is your Business. It isnt some fly by night program or software. This is a proven method of generating a success online business opportunity.

  There really is people making checks well into the thousands of dollars, myself included. And when you get your checks your going to want to invest 15-20% back into your business. Pay for some ads, buy flyers, save for a better computer, Whatever it is you need to make a bigger pay check with Motor Club of America then do it. Your only re-investing in yourself. So keep a small portion of your earnings and put it back into MCA.

   Knowledge and motivation are big key factors in how to make money promoting Motor Club of America. Get on Youtube, read some articles and research how to do Network Marketing. The more you know the better off you will be. Also stay motivated. If you dont see a sale in your MCA TVC Martix account don't get discouraged. Some days will be better than others. Stay motivated and try something different. Try a new ad, or advertising method and see if you get a better response.

  This is an awesome opportunity and if you give up before you get it down you will kick yourself later.. If you are thinking about Joining MCA, I encourage you to take action NOW. Join my team and I will personally help you get to the point where you're making sales and feel comfortable in knowing how to do it. By joining Our team you will get access to our 9 Video internet Marketing Course 100% free.



  1. Hello...
    Do you still work for MCA? Please let me know or contact me via email at:

  2. Hello...
    Do you still work for MCA? Please let me know or contact me via email at:

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